Preacher’s Blog Page
John McCranie’s blogs are what he calls “Visuables” which is a compound of the words “Visual” and Parables”.
John shares, “As I journey in life and ministry I tend to notice things that remind me of spiritual principles and insights. These blogs are designed to encourage greater trust in the God who reveals Himself to those looking.”
April 2021

“I love this church!” proclaimed our….
newest sister, Leann, after her first time worshiping with us. Well, baby sister, so do I. The Turlock Church is beautiful. After Steve Prine introduced Leann to the congregation and closed us in a beautiful prayer, I was touched at the number of members who approached Leann introducing themselves and welcoming her. I overheard someone lean over her and say, “You have a family now.” Her eyes welled with the good kind of tears. It’s one thing to convert to Christianity but it’s another level when you discover the people in your new church care about you.
According to Greek legend, …
only two notable captains sailed their ships safely past Anthemusa, the island of the Sirens. As the tale is told, Sirens were beautiful creatures who were half woman and half bird. They would perch on their rocky shore singing with such enchanting voices that mariners would be irresistibly lured to their coast and therefore be shipwrecked on the rocks.
Odysseus successfully sailed his vessel past the sirens and survived by stopping up his crew’s ears with wax so they would not be able to hear the alluring songs of the tempters. Because Odysseus… More
January 2021

Disaster. When I review the year 2020, …
that’s the one word that rises above all others. The year started with so much promise. Everyone was talking about VISION since it was “2020″ and our goals and hopes were high. Then a catastrophe struck. The Coronavirus hit. First it was schools, then businesses, then restaurants, then theaters and then we got news from Governor Newsom that churches were to close. By mid-March our entire state was in full blown look-down. What shocked us about the pandemic was that it was everywhere and affected everybody. We were stunned at the news reports of how far spread Covid-19 was reaching globally. We had never seen a plague of this magnitude. It changed everything. More
December 2020

The parsonage where my family lived…
in Santa Paula, CA faced Fagan Barranca Park. I learned that “barranca” is the Spanish word for creek. Fagan is a low maintenance park with only a simple paved pathway, no tables or grassy areas, just a narrow eucalypti stand for strolling or cycling. During heavy rains the normally dry barranca would fill rapidly and the water running off the nearby mountains would rush through mightily. One year when the clutter from the hundred foot giants was especially thick, city workers came in with their chainsaws, weed eaters, rakes and blowers and transformed the eucalyptus woodland back into the beautifully serene walkway the neighborhood enjoys. Mountains of leaves and… More
Recently, our church secretary …
sent me a picture by text. It was taped to the glass doors of the church’s foyer. The warning is unmistakable, “CHRIST IS COMING 2021″. During these times of plague and disaster it’s no surprise believers think this is probable. The fact is that for the past several decades there has been mania fixated on the exact time of Jesus’ return. Entire denominations have experienced meteoric growth based on this sensationalism only to be later decimated by their prophet’s false predictions on when Christ will come back. Their disillusioned masses leave those churches and, sadly, many of those worshipers leave behind their faith. What is more depressing than false hope? More
In 1989 …
I was preaching for a little congregation called the Fresno Church of Christ. My go to song leader was Chris, who was about twenty-six-years-old. Having a lot in common, we became good friends. We loved rock music, ping-pong and the great Sierra Nevada. Chris asked if I had ever done any backpacking. I replied that I loved to go camping but he insisted I hadn’t really camped until I backpacked way up in the high country. I told him I didn’t have the gear and he said it would be no problem to borrow a backpack and essentials. More
July 2020

Negative. If there is word that captures …
our current quandary, that’s the one. I know the news media thinks good news is boring news. It’s obvious the reason “human interest” stories featuring selflessly, kind acts are inserted into the final moments of the televised news hour are there to silence those who complain that everything reported is negative. Well, to news hounds everything important is negative. This is how it works: conflict, violence, injustice, scandal and disaster are sensational. Sensationalism draws big audiences. Big advertisers pay big bucks to have big audiences be swayed to buy their products or service. The motives for … More
May 2020

Turlock Church has …
some wonderful kingdom quilters. They are busy little bees in their homes and in the fellowship hall (when allowed). Perhaps we should call them “Q-Bees?” They make quilts for people who really need them. I donated some to Julien Elementary to help impoverished students stay warm. Our sisters also give quilts out of their love. The following story, of unknown authorship, causes me to appreciate my “sewing sisters” even more. Enjoy.
As I faced my Maker at the last judgment, I knelt before the Lord … More
As I faced my Maker at the last judgment, I knelt before the Lord … More
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